Indianapolis Colts at Tennessee Titans: Keys to the Game

We are riding a hot streak! Can we go 2 for 2? Read and find out.

The theme of today’s article is “Don’t get cocky!”

I’ve chosen this as the theme for two reasons. First, I’m feeling pretty good about my three keys for last week. If you missed that inspired bit of football analysis, you can read it here. It’s almost as if the Titans read my article before the game and fashioned their game plan around my words. Almost. But as we all know, pride comes before the fall so I will do my best to put last week behind me and move on to Indianapolis with the proper mindset. I promise I won’t let success go to my head.

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Titans Tuesday: Win All the Games!

The long, dark winter (offseason) is over. Football is back! God bless us, everyone!

The Preseason is over. The regular season is about to begin. Words cannot express the joy I am feeling. Perhaps this video can do what my words cannot.

That is how I feel every year the week leading up to the first kickoff in the NFL season. As I’ve asked before, if you are a fan, why would you approach the new season with anything other than enthusiasm and optimism? Let us all take a few moments and just enjoy this moment when everything is great, because it won’t be long when many teams and their respective fans realize that they are going nowhere in 2016.

Continue reading “Titans Tuesday: Win All the Games!”