If you listen to the rumors, it appears that Tom Brady is seriously considering joining the Tennessee Titans for the 2020 season. And to make matters worse, the Titans are said to be fine with that plan. Well, I am not fine with that plan. I realize Tom Brady is considered by most to be “The GOAT” but I can’t stand him. Everything about him makes my skin crawl. His stupid face. His whiny personality. The fact that he plays for the worst organization in the history of sports. He is the worst and I want no part of him on my favorite team. I don’t think I’m alone.
As far as I’m concerned, Ryan Tannehill did everything he needed to do to earn the job for the foreseeable future. I see no reason to do anything other than ride with the guys who took our Titans to the AFC Championship game last season. Tom Brady makes little to no sense in this offense with all that in mind. So, here are five things I would rather do than cheer for him.
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