Midseason NFL Superlatives (The NFL on REO)

It has been a long week and I don’t have the time or the desire to churn out another 1,500 words on the NFL. Instead, I have opted for the lazy man’s way out of this problem and have decided to do a list of superlatives at the half-way point of the 2017 season. I realize that we just watched Week 9 and it sounds weird to say this is the half-way point, but if you actually look at the records and how many games teams have played, this is a much more natural mid-way point than the end of Week 8. Plus, it’s my article and I can do whatever I want.

Most improved team

The Los Angeles Rams. There is no other answer here. If you said anything else, go to the end of the line and take a long, hard look at your life. Bonus points to the Rams for being coached by a former Boy Band Member!

Most disappointing team

The New York Giants. They were 11-5 last season. They might actually be the worst team in the league this season. They’re bad from top to bottom. I think they are in for a clean-sweep this offseason.

Most annoying storyline that just won’t go away

Colin Kaepernick. Every time I read another Kaepernick story, positive or negative, this is my response:

Player that needs to stop doing interviews or press conferences

Cam Newton. First, he makes derogatory remarks towards female reporters and then most recently, he makes some strange Titanic allusion that leaves everyone pretty sure that he doesn’t really know that the Titanic sank.

Worst Pre-Game Speech

There will be no topping the infamous Jameis Winston “W” speech that happened this past Sunday. I’ll let it speak for itself.

Worst Roger

Roger Goodell. Fire him.

Worst Uniforms

Still the Jacksonville Jaguars.

Best Career Move

Tony Romo retiring to work in the booth for CBS. I’ve said it before, but Romo has been a complete revelation. He even makes Jim Nance better and I thought that was impossible.

Worst Career Move

A.J. Green repeatedly punching Jalen Ramsey’s helmet. He didn’t get hurt but it’s about the dumbest thing anyone can do on the football field. Helmet is harder than hand. Every time.

Most likely to have the worst record

I think this will be a toss up between Cleveland and San Francisco with Cleveland “winning” out in the end. The Browns are the textbook example of incompetence and dysfunction – you only need to look at how they botched the trade deadline.

Most likely to win it all

I am not a gambler. If I were, I would probably put my money on the Patriots. No, they have not looked like the best team in the NFL this season, but they have still been a top 5 team for most of it and we all know what their tract record is in the post-season. How can you bet against them at this point? Doesn’t mean I have to like it though. If I can’t experience the Patriots failing, then at least I have this:

What about you? What superlatives would you hand out for this season? Use the comment section below to chime in.

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Author: Phill Lytle

I love Jesus, my wife, my kids, my family, my friends, my church, J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, 80s rock, the Tennessee Titans, Brandon Sanderson books, Band of Brothers, Thai food, music, books, movies, TV, writing, pizza, vacation, etc...

2 thoughts on “Midseason NFL Superlatives (The NFL on REO)”

  1. Worst uniforms? green bay packers. Hands down. Why would you color your uniforms phlegm-green and phlegm-yellow? yuck. And before anyone tells me to be nice, I am being nice. In person I say snot-green and snot-yellow.

    1. ^^^^ LOL. I’ll never forget the day I learned how serious David takes his anti-fandom of Green Bay. It was in February of 2011 and within a short time the Packers won the Super Bowl and Chicago got pummeled with 23 inches or so of snow. My dad knows that David and I despise the snow so he asked me which was worse of those two events. And David said the Packers winning. That’s hard core. On par with me and Clemson or worse.

      Good news was that four years later the Patriots won the Super Bowl and the next day we got hit with about 22 inches and I got to have that experience.

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